Word Styles and Templates (Special Offer)
Summary: Discovering how to use styles can really boost your proficiency with Word. Another way you can increase your proficiency is to take advantage of this special offer for Word Styles and Templates purchasers.

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I've got a special offer for you. Those interested in styles and templates know that there is one other area where styles can play a big role—in how your indexes and special tables appear. The tools that Word provides to create these indexes and special tables are powerful, provided you know how to use them.
Word includes a complete indexing system that gives you a marvelous level of control over how your index is constructed. It also includes a variety of special tables that can provide a framework for different parts of your document. The most common among these is a table of contents, although other tables (such as a table of authorities) can be easily added.
I've created four e-books that can help you make sense of not only these document elements, but also the tools that Word puts at your disposal to create the elements:
- Word 2016 Indexes and Special Tables: For users of Word 2016, this edition focuses on how to create and work with indexes and special tables in the latest version of Word.
- Word 2013 Indexes and Special Tables: For users of Word 2013, this third edition focuses on how to create and work with indexes and special tables in this version of Word.
- Word 2010 Indexes and Special Tables: This updated fourth edition includes the latest information on how you master indexes and special tables in this popular version of Word.
- Word 2007 Indexes and Special Tables: For users of Word 2007, this fifth edition is new and improved, providing information not available before. It includes information on how to put indexes and special tables to work in the ribbon-based interface introduced with Word 2007.
These e-books contain scores of tips, each explaining a different facet of working with indexes, tables of contents, or other types of special tables. Understanding the information contained in these e-books can help improve your skills and enhance your documents. Within their pages you discover a wealth of information:
- Working with Index Entries
- Creating Indexes
- Formatting an Index
- Tables of Contents from Headings
- Tables of Contents from Fields
- Formatting a Table of Contents
- Table of Contents Tricks
- Creating a Table of Authorities
- Other Special Tables
Can't decide which version to get? Perhaps you use multiple versions of Word or you are responsible for users who have different versions. If this describes you, then you really could benefit by having copies of Word Indexes and Special Tables for each of the Word versions you work with. You're in luck! If you purchase two versions of the e-book, we'll give you the other two for free! (See the ordering information, below, for information on our Ribbon Pack.)
The downloads contain these valuable e-books in two formats: Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat (PDF). In these formats you enjoy the following features:
- The ability to view, search, and print the book.
- Screen shots that illustrate what you see in Word as you follow the step-by-step instructions.
- The ability to select and copy sections of text, such as macro code.
- Hyperlinks to internal content (in the book itself) and referenced resources on the Web.
If you decide to access the e-book in PDF format (both the Word and PDF formats contain the same information), you need to either have Acrobat or the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Many computer systems already have the reader installed. If you do not, you can get it free, directly from Adobe.
Normally I sell a download of these e-books for $19.99 each. Here's the special offer I have for you, however: If you decide to add one of these e-books to your order, you can get the version you want for only $14.99 as a download. (That's 25% off the regular price!)
I'm only making this offer to those who purchase Word Styles and Templates; it really is a special offer, just for you. To take advantage of this special offer, click on one of the links below.
Important Ordering Notes:
If you live in a European Union (EU) country, please do NOT order the CD-ROM. Your order will go through, but I will need to then cancel the order. The reason is simple: The EU requires the procurement of a special shipping license (for the lack of a better term) that makes it onerous and economically untenable for a small company such as mine to ship physical products into EU countries. Please, order the archive download, instead. There are no restrictions (yet) on downloadable products.
If you live in a country that imposes value-added taxes (VAT) and you order a CD-ROM, you will need to pay the VAT when the order is delivered to you. I do not collect VAT at the time of ordering, nor is the VAT included in your purchase price.
You can also order any of our products by calling our order line: 307-200-0450.