Store Policies

Refund Info

Our goal is your complete satisfaction. If you order something from us and you decide you don't like it for some reason, just let us know within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund your money.

You can call our main number (307-200-0450) or send us a message to get the help you need.

It really is that simple!

Shipping Info

If you order a product that requires shipping, please note that all Tips.Net shipping is done via US Mail. Shipments are sent either First Class or Media Mail, as appropriate.

We try very hard to ship orders by the next business day after receipt. Most of the time we are successful, but not always.

We try to keep shipping and handling costs as low as possible. The cost varies, depending on the number of shippable items you order. For example, if you order a single CD item, the cost is approximately $6.79. Each additional CD item in the same order adds approximately $1.39 to the shipping and handling costs. Thus, two CD items would be $8.18, three would be $9.57, etc.

If you have any questions about shipping or handling charges, call our main number (307-200-0450) prior to placing your order.

NOTE: If your country requires the collection of VAT fees by the seller (me), I cannot ship a physical product to you. The collection of such taxes—along with the registration, accounting, and payment of such taxes—by a small seller such as myself is a revenue-losing proposition. If you are in such a country (such as anyEU country), please order the download version of the product you are interested in. If you attempt to order a physical product, your order will be cancelled and your payment refunded.